Seminole hospitality intern faqs


Where are you located?

  • Seminole Hospitality is located in Building C of Doak Campbell Stadium.

Am I qualified?
Part-Time Internship

  • You must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate classes to be considered for the part-time internship.

How long does the internship last?

  • The part-time internships begin in July 2024 and end in December 2024. 

When would I work?

In-Office Internship

  • You will work all home football games as well as office hours throughout the week before games. There may be the opportunity to work additional hours outside of office hours as well. Seminole Hospitality will work with your schedule, but you must have the ability to be flexible when it comes to scheduling. 

Game-Day Internship

  • You will work all home football games as well as office hours the Friday before games. There may be the opportunity to work additional hours outside of game days as well. Seminole Hospitality will work with your schedule, but you must have the ability to be flexible when it comes to scheduling.

Is this internship paid?

  • Yes.

How many interns work for Seminole Hospitality?

  • Seminole Hospitality hires an in-office intern and game day intern(s) during the Fall semester. The part-time internships are 6 month commitments. 

Do I have to be pursuing a specific degree?

  • No. Seminole Hospitality accepts applications from people of all backgrounds. 

How do I apply?

  • Simply apply using the button below. We can't wait to hear from you!